Sunday 14 March 2010


Film Treatment:
London city. Big Ben strikes 12. The sky is illuminated with a splendid display of fireworks. The noise is deafening. There are loud screeches coming from all around. People are cheering and hugging each other. ‘HAPPY NEW YEAR’ is resounding time and time again in Annabelle’s ears. However, Annabelle is clearly not in a party mood.
Annabelle Richmond is the girl everyone looks up to. She’s beautiful, intelligent and popular. Annabelle is the unofficial leader in her group at Triton High School in South East London. Leila Lyton is her full-time follower and Gwen Shanon is another close friend known as the ‘dumb blonde’. The three girls are inseparable – or at least were inseparable - until Nick Hatton came onto the scene.
Nick is a handsome beau and the school’s number one football player. He could have the pick of any girl, but only has eyes for Annabelle. In the eyes of everybody around her, Annabelle’s life seems perfect; perhaps almost too perfect. However, Annabelle soon loses her carefree ways as she becomes aware that there is a stalker on the loose, watching her every move.
The first suspect, Daymon Stamford, is the boy at Triton High known as ‘Depressed Day’, the outcast. He has never had any friends and is often bullied and humiliated at school. Daymon’s background is unknown, but as the film progresses we find out some of Daymon’s hidden secrets. One of these is his fondness of Annabelle Richmond, in his eyes, his ‘perfect girl’.
The second suspect is Annabelle’s childhood friend, Leila Lyton. Their friendship is about to be tested for the first time in their life as Annabelle not only pairs up romantically with Nick Hatton but also becomes close to Leila’s ex-boyfriend, David Chambers. Leila’s jealousy of Annabelle’s popularity becomes more and more apparent, and Leila soon becomes a backstabbing friend, fed up of being known as Annabelle’s shadow.
The third and final suspect is David Chambers, Leila’s ex-boyfriend and Annabelle’s best male friend. David soon becomes extremely wary of who Annabelle gets close to, and acts as a caring older brother figure, just to remain close and in control. However, what Annabelle doesn’t know is that David has a secret obsession for her, frequently writing in his diary about his future with Annabelle, and trying to prevent Annabelle from forming a long-term relationship with Nick Hatton.
The anonymous stalker spends their days photographing Annabelle Richmond, following her frequently, sending her threatening letters and making indecent telephone calls to her. The stalker is not playing a game. He clearly wants to intimidate Annabelle and is prepared to go to further lengths for some kind of reaction from her.
It is for this reason that Annabelle is not celebrating like everyone else in the room. She feels anxious and quite alone. She had once felt surrounded by good friends but now she did not know who to trust anymore. She looked around the room and knew that she had no choice but to track down the stalker herself.

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