Sunday 14 March 2010

Actors In Film

Actors in film:

Characters/Main Actors:
Annabelle Richmond played by Caitlin Boyle,Daymon Stamford played by Yasir Saleem,
Leila Lyton played by Hannah Lenane, D
avid Chamber played by Charlie Watts,
Gwen Shanon played by Emily Harkin.

Extras (Party Scene):
Marcus Bailey, Ben Rinds, Frankie Cohan, Alexandra Curtis, Fede Behrens, Jack Reynolds.

Daymon Stamford played by Yasir Saleem

Annabelle Richmond played by Caitlin Boyle

David Chamber played by Charlie Watts

Leila Lyton played by Hannah Lenane

Gwen Shanon played by Emily Harkin

Equipment/Props being used in film:
Camera, tripod, extra lighting (when filming in the dark), knife, old tracksuit, cigarettes and lighter, alcoholic drinks, glasses, pictures, candles, laptop.

Location for filming:
Location 1:
Basement Scene
Exterior of house used for first scene:

Interior of house, where actual scene will be filmed:

These pictures here are more photographs of the stalker's habitats. We can see that the location is dark, grotty, and unpleasant. This particular location represents the stalker's cut off from reality.

The wall shown in this picture is located in a basement, which in the film will be the living quarters of the anonymous stalker. This wall will be filled with pictures of Caitlin Boyle/Annabelle Richmond, showing the extent of the stalker's obsessions with the girl in the film.

Location 2:
Party Scene
Exterior of house for party scene:
We choose this location for the bathroom scene as it is in the same house where the party scene is being filmed, making it a lot more practical, instead of moving to a different location. Along with this, our idea was to have two girl's talking whilst applying their make-up in the mirror, and fortunately this particular bathroom has a large mirror centred in the middle of the room.

We choose this particular location for the party scene, as we believed a simple, open planned space would work well for all actors to fit into one place, in order to film this scene.

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