Sunday 21 March 2010


Overview: Filming shots of pictures on wall, reflecting the unknown stalkers obsession with main character Annabelle Richmond. Also filming dark silhouette of stalker staring at pictures.
Date to be filmed: Tuesday 16th March. Set/Location: Georgia’s Grandma’s house, filming in the basement.
Day/Night filming: Night time filming.
Time: 17:00 to 19:00
Cast: Yasir Saleem playing Daymond Stamford, no other actors needed.
Props: Lots of pictures placed on the basement wall, candles, laptop, old tracksuit to be worn by actor, wooden chair.
Equipment: Camera, tripod, extra lighting (spot lights) as it will be dark.

Overview: Various quick shots of main character Annabelle Richmond played by Caitlin Boyle, laughing, on the phone, hanging out with friends.
Date to be filmed: Friday 19th March.Set/Location: Filming at Graveney School, around the school gardens and the park.
Day/Night filming: Day time filming.
Time: 13:00 to 14:00.
Cast: Caitlin Boyle as Annabelle Richmond, Hannah Lenane as Leila Lyton, Emily Harkin as Gwen Shanon.
Props: Phone, make-up, hairspray, tissues.
Equipment: Only camera needed for this particular scene.

Overview: Part of party scene. Two girls Hannah Lenane as Leila Lyton and Emily Harkin as Gwen Shanon talking in the bathroom, whilst being at a house party, gossiping about main character Annabelle Richmond played by Caitlin Boyle.
Date to be filmed: Friday 19th March.Set/Location: Filming at Georgia’s house, set in the bathroom.
Day/Night filming: Day time filming.
Time: 15:00 to 17:00
Cast: Hannah Lenane as Leila Lyton, Emily Harkin as Gwen Shanon.
Props: Make-up, mirrors, bottle of drinks, perfume, hairspray.
Equipment: Camera and tripod needed.

Overview: Party scene, people dancing having a good time, people talking, laughing. Filming of Caitlin Boyle as Annabelle Richmond hanging out with friends, when Yasir Saleem as Daymon Stamford approaches her and attempts to talk to her. Also filming of Charlie Watts as David Chamber dancing with Emily Harkin as Gwen Shanon whilst looking over at Annabelle Richmond played by Caitlin Boyle.
Date to be filmed: Saturday 20th MarchSet/Location: Filming at Georgia’s house, main location the hallway.
Day/Night filming: Night time filming.
Time: 18:00 to 20:00.
Cast: Caitlin Boyle as Annabelle Richmond,Hannah Lenane as Leila Lyton, Emily Harkin as Gwen Shanon, Yasir Saleem as Daymon Stamford, Charlie Watts as David Chamber, plus extra actors in the background.
Props: Bottles, glasses, cigarettes, ashtrays.
Equipment: Camera and tripod needed.


Script 1st draft:

The Script
“EROTOMANIA” by Lisa Mulhern, Georgia Middleton, Scott Woodsell & Angel Pearte.
Scene opens in an empty dark park. A shady male silhouette can be seen under a streetlamp. The man can be seen facing a house, head tilted towards a room, his eyes transfixed on what he is watching.
His Heavy breathing.
A shot of a young, beautiful girl named Annabelle Richmond is shown in the window on the a phone.
Annabelle: (Into the phone) I can’t believe he did that! She deserves so much better then him.
Scene cuts back to the man outside, the camera follows down his body, until we reach his shoes. Blood drops fall by his feet.
Scene opens in a party environment, teenagers drinking, laughing and having fun, listening to music. Two boys stand talking in the corner of the room. Their names are Daymon Stamford and Charlie Biel.
Charlie: (Over the music) Man, have you seen Annabelle tonight?
Daymon: (Seems Uninterested) Yeah.
Charlie: She is looking good, man. I’m gunna’ go talk to her.
Daymon: (Grabs Charlie’s wrist forcefully) Why? I mean she wouldn’t go for you… you wouldn’t have a chance…
Charlie: (Rubbing Wrist) Relax, man, come on.
Daymon follows reluctantly behind Charlie until they reach Annabelle. Charlie taps her shoulder and she turns around, smiling.
Annabelle: Hey Charlie! Who’s your friend?
Daymon raises his eyes to her; a big, fake smile comes onto his face.
Charlie: This is Daymon, he goes to our school.
Daymon: (Raising his hand to hers) It’s nice to meet-
Annabelle sequels as her friends drag her away, laughing. Daymon let’s his hand fall back down as he glares at the back of her head as she walks off. The music gets louder as Daymon watches her. She gets into a group picture with her friends, another friend taking a picture. As the flash goes off, the screen goes white, fading out into photographs on a wall. They are all different pictures of Annabelle. The audience barely see the pictures through the shady light, and it is obvious the pictures are of those of some kind of stalker. Red circles outline her features; other people are cut out of photos and pictures that are secretly taken. After the camera pans across the wall, it zooms out, and yet again the dark silhouette is shown, in a dirty, dusty, messy §

Script 2nd draft:
By Lisa Mulhern, Georgia Middleton, Scott Woodsell & Angel Peart.
Scene starts with a panning shot of photographs spread out on a wall. Camera zooms into a picture of Annabelle Richmond, at a party. White ‘camera flash’ flashes across the screen, and fades into the party scene. People are dancing, drinking and having fun. David Chamber is suspect no1, Annabelle’s best friend. Over the loud music we can see them arguing.
Annabelle: Just leave it David! It has nothing to do with you!
David: It doesn’t? Your so-called boyfriend is no good for you!
Annabelle starts to walk away.
(Grabbing wrist roughly) Don’t walk away when I’m talking to you!
Close up of wrist. Flashes back to the photographs on the wall. Once again zooms in to one picture. Scene sets in the bathroom of the party. Two girls stand in the bathroom, applying make up in the mirror. Their names are Leila Luton and Chelsea Taylor. Leila Luton is suspect number 2.
Chelsea: I don’t have a problem with her; I think she’s all right.
Leila: Are you joking?
Chelsea: No, seriously!
Leila: I hate Annabelle with a passion; she’s a total bitch.
Flash goes off again, shot of photographs on the wall, ‘I hate Annabelle with a passion’ echoes over the shot. Zooms into another picture and flashes into the party scene. A boy and a girl are seen kissing amongst the dancing people. The boy is Daymon Stamford, suspect number 3. Shot of couple kissing, zoomed in shot of close up of Daymon’s eyes, looking over at Annabelle rather then paying attention to the girl he is kissing. Annabelle is seen dancing with her friends, whilst Daymon holds an intense gaze on her. They pull apart to hug, and he is still looking at her. It then flashes back to pictures on the wall. A long shot of the pictures on the wall. As the camera starts to zoom out, flashbacks of Annabelle laughing, her kissing, he smiling, all start to flash up quickly. Once they are finished, with the creepy music in the background, we see a tall, male silhouette step into the shot.

Sunday 14 March 2010


Film Treatment:
London city. Big Ben strikes 12. The sky is illuminated with a splendid display of fireworks. The noise is deafening. There are loud screeches coming from all around. People are cheering and hugging each other. ‘HAPPY NEW YEAR’ is resounding time and time again in Annabelle’s ears. However, Annabelle is clearly not in a party mood.
Annabelle Richmond is the girl everyone looks up to. She’s beautiful, intelligent and popular. Annabelle is the unofficial leader in her group at Triton High School in South East London. Leila Lyton is her full-time follower and Gwen Shanon is another close friend known as the ‘dumb blonde’. The three girls are inseparable – or at least were inseparable - until Nick Hatton came onto the scene.
Nick is a handsome beau and the school’s number one football player. He could have the pick of any girl, but only has eyes for Annabelle. In the eyes of everybody around her, Annabelle’s life seems perfect; perhaps almost too perfect. However, Annabelle soon loses her carefree ways as she becomes aware that there is a stalker on the loose, watching her every move.
The first suspect, Daymon Stamford, is the boy at Triton High known as ‘Depressed Day’, the outcast. He has never had any friends and is often bullied and humiliated at school. Daymon’s background is unknown, but as the film progresses we find out some of Daymon’s hidden secrets. One of these is his fondness of Annabelle Richmond, in his eyes, his ‘perfect girl’.
The second suspect is Annabelle’s childhood friend, Leila Lyton. Their friendship is about to be tested for the first time in their life as Annabelle not only pairs up romantically with Nick Hatton but also becomes close to Leila’s ex-boyfriend, David Chambers. Leila’s jealousy of Annabelle’s popularity becomes more and more apparent, and Leila soon becomes a backstabbing friend, fed up of being known as Annabelle’s shadow.
The third and final suspect is David Chambers, Leila’s ex-boyfriend and Annabelle’s best male friend. David soon becomes extremely wary of who Annabelle gets close to, and acts as a caring older brother figure, just to remain close and in control. However, what Annabelle doesn’t know is that David has a secret obsession for her, frequently writing in his diary about his future with Annabelle, and trying to prevent Annabelle from forming a long-term relationship with Nick Hatton.
The anonymous stalker spends their days photographing Annabelle Richmond, following her frequently, sending her threatening letters and making indecent telephone calls to her. The stalker is not playing a game. He clearly wants to intimidate Annabelle and is prepared to go to further lengths for some kind of reaction from her.
It is for this reason that Annabelle is not celebrating like everyone else in the room. She feels anxious and quite alone. She had once felt surrounded by good friends but now she did not know who to trust anymore. She looked around the room and knew that she had no choice but to track down the stalker herself.

Actors In Film

Actors in film:

Characters/Main Actors:
Annabelle Richmond played by Caitlin Boyle,Daymon Stamford played by Yasir Saleem,
Leila Lyton played by Hannah Lenane, D
avid Chamber played by Charlie Watts,
Gwen Shanon played by Emily Harkin.

Extras (Party Scene):
Marcus Bailey, Ben Rinds, Frankie Cohan, Alexandra Curtis, Fede Behrens, Jack Reynolds.

Daymon Stamford played by Yasir Saleem

Annabelle Richmond played by Caitlin Boyle

David Chamber played by Charlie Watts

Leila Lyton played by Hannah Lenane

Gwen Shanon played by Emily Harkin

Equipment/Props being used in film:
Camera, tripod, extra lighting (when filming in the dark), knife, old tracksuit, cigarettes and lighter, alcoholic drinks, glasses, pictures, candles, laptop.

Location for filming:
Location 1:
Basement Scene
Exterior of house used for first scene:

Interior of house, where actual scene will be filmed:

These pictures here are more photographs of the stalker's habitats. We can see that the location is dark, grotty, and unpleasant. This particular location represents the stalker's cut off from reality.

The wall shown in this picture is located in a basement, which in the film will be the living quarters of the anonymous stalker. This wall will be filled with pictures of Caitlin Boyle/Annabelle Richmond, showing the extent of the stalker's obsessions with the girl in the film.

Location 2:
Party Scene
Exterior of house for party scene:
We choose this location for the bathroom scene as it is in the same house where the party scene is being filmed, making it a lot more practical, instead of moving to a different location. Along with this, our idea was to have two girl's talking whilst applying their make-up in the mirror, and fortunately this particular bathroom has a large mirror centred in the middle of the room.

We choose this particular location for the party scene, as we believed a simple, open planned space would work well for all actors to fit into one place, in order to film this scene.

Classification and Certification

The BBFC is a non-governmental organization, funded by the film industry that classifys films within the United Kingdom. The BBFC allocates these films, videos, DVD's and video with a certificate age that allows audiences to determine whether they are suitable for viewing.

The certificate ages allocated to UK films range from suitable for all ages, to strictly for adults and those aged 18 or over based on their content.


A film that is classified as a 'U' is suitable for audiences aged 4 and over. Films under this certificate are set within a positive moral framework, meaning that there is no distressing images of violence, threat or horror that may upset the child audience.

PG(Parental Guidance)
PG rated films are understood to be suitable for most, however, the film may contain some scenes that are unsuitable for young children and parents are advised to take this into careful consideration. PG films are suitable for most children aged 8 and over, include only mild bad language, discreet nudity and sexual references, no prolonged horror references and no reference to drug use.

Exactly the same criteria is used for a ‘12A’ film and a ‘12’ film. These films are only to be viewed by someone over the age of 12 (unless accompanied by an adult) as it contains a lot of unsuitable material for children under this particular age. An adult may take a child under the age of 12, if they believe the film to be suitable. The ‘12A’ category exists only for cinemas. No one under the age of 12 may rent or buy a ‘12’ rated video work.

Films that are rated 15 are suitable for those aged 15 and over, no younger. No-one younger than 15 can view or rent a 15 film. Films given this rating may deal with ideas and topics that are not suitable for younger audiences, such as the use of strong language, mild sexual activity and nudity, no clear use of drugs and violence or horror is mild, focusing on the infliction of pain is unaccepted.

Films rated 18 are suitable for adults and those over the age of 18 only, no-one under the age of 18 can watch or rent a film with this rating. There are no constraints on language, horror or nudity, although the board can cut or reject any detailed dangerous or violent acts, explicit images of sexual activity and illegal use of drugs without justification.

Classification and target audience for our film

After conducting this research on film classification, our group had to consider what certificate would be best for our film, in order to keep to the acceptable contents of the allocated certificate ages. After much thought we decided to rate our film an ‘15’, due to the fact that we believe the topics in our particular film unsuitable for anyone below this age. In our film, there is some use of strong language, in our film there will also be the use of mild sexual activity, and the use of violence. Also as it is a physiological horror, we believed that a certificate of anything under the age of ‘15’ would be inappropriate. Even though many of these things, including strong language, mild sexual nudity and the use of violence may not necessarily be used much in the first opening 2 minutes of our film, the storyline, which is based on the life of a violent and mentally deranged stalker. This could therefore distress younger viewers, and may encourage negative behaviour and attitudes, therefore is better suited for a more mature age of 15.

Target audience of our film:

Our film will be targeted to young adults (16-30 year olds), as we believe that this group of people will be able to identify themselves with some of the characters shown in the film and the storyline topic (stalking). Research shows that one in five women and one in ten men aged 16-30, become the victim of stalkers, at least for a short while in their lifetime. Other issues that are highlighted in our film, such as teenage love, jealousy amongst friends, and aspirations will also attract this younger audience.

Thursday 11 February 2010